Prestige Home Improvements | Vehicle Livery

Prestige Home Improvements logo on the bonnet of the renault car. The logo is in black and red featuring a red house. The 'i' in prestige has a red dot.
The bonnet with the Prestige Home Improvements logo
All Sign Solutions has just completed fitting vinyl decals and text on our latest vehicle livery. We created a logo for Prestige Home Improvements featuring the colour red as an accent. We created a logo of a house where the ends of the roof match the font style of 'Prestige'. The dot of the 'i' is red to carry the red through the logo. The easy to read sans serif font is used for the bullets and contact information.

Prestige Home Improvements vehicle livery featuring the logo, phone number (07508155000) and bullet points on the side of the car. Using red and black as the main colours.
The side of Prestige Home Improvements vehicle livery, featuring the logo, phone number and bullet points
A photograph of the side of the car featuring the phone number in a red vinyl colour, lists of the bullet points: • Free Quotation No Obligation • Painting And Decorating • General Repairs • Garden Maintenance • Friendly Reliable Service. The logo has been applied to the other door, in red and black cut vinyl.
The side livery shown the bullet points
The main features Prestige Home Improvements are
  • Free Quotation No Obligation
  • Painting And Decorating
  • General Repairs
  • Garden Maintenance
  • Friendly Reliable Service
You can contact Prestige Home Improvements on 07508155000 or email

The back of Prestige Home improvements Renault car. The logo is featured, along with the phone number: 07508155000 and email address: in a red colour with the silver car as the background.
The back of Prestige Home Improvement's car featuring the phone number and e-mail address in a red colour.
Prestige Home Improvements | Vehicle Livery Prestige Home Improvements | Vehicle Livery Reviewed by Unknown on 13:13:00 Rating: 5

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