Farleys Furniture | Vehicle Livery

Farleys Furniture yellow vinyl vehicle livery. Text on the side of the van reads Dining & Bedroom Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, Suites and Chairs. Underneath has the website address www.farleysfurniture.co.uk. The social media logos for twitter, pinterest and facebook have a white halo around them. The door has the address Chatham St., Ramsgate and the phone number 01843 593069 in bright yellow vinyl which stands out on the blue van.
Farleys Furniture Vehicle Livery
Farleys Furniture located in Ramsgate has a simple but eye-catching designed vehicle livery. The yellow vinyl text stands out on the blue van using the brand colours and font.
We backed up the social media logos with a white halo to make them stand out against the blue.
Back of Farleys Furniture van advertising the flooring department.
Rear of Farleys Furniture Van
The back of the van lets the vehicles behind read the 'Flooring Department' while the side of the van allows passers by to read about the Dining & Bedroom Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, Suits and Chairs they offer.

The new vehicle livery on the farleys furniture van showing the back and side of the van advertisings their products and services.
Back and side of Farleys Furniture van
Farleys furniture look very professional and now have a great way to advertise their shop while they drive around the Thanet area.
Farleys Furniture | Vehicle Livery Farleys Furniture | Vehicle Livery Reviewed by Unknown on 12:00:00 Rating: 5

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