Festive Decorations | North Pole

Carving the North Pole Snow and making a candy cane stripe
 For the Christmas festive season we were asked to create a North Pole and help make a Reindeer installation safe.
The finished effect with the carved snow
 We carved a snow mound that can be removed for storage at night. We used polystyrene and carved bits away using reference photos of how real snow sits. The base is made out of wood with adding some weight to it so it will not blow away.
Re-moveable snow mound.
 We supplied sandbags and a frame to make the Reindeer installation sculpture safer for the public. Using fake blanket snow we hid the sandbags in a neat way. It looks wonderful in the dark with all the lights on!
Weighing down the sculpture

We used fluffy blanket snow to hide the sandbags

In the process of the snow blanket

All nice a neatly hidden

Festive Decorations | North Pole Festive Decorations | North Pole Reviewed by Unknown on 14:03:00 Rating: 5

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